Thursday, June 06, 2024


A storm front went through our area yesterday afternoon.

At the first big wind, BAM! we lost power.
A neighbor's tree pulled down the wires in the alley, and they are dangling in our backyard.
Thankfully, Henry made it for dinner, despite the firemen and utility dudes crawling all over the place.
And, on top of that, our street is undergoing resurfacing today, tomorrow, and Saturday.
If The Hubby had put The Cat Car in the barn, we'd not be able to get it out, since the live wires are RIGHT THERE.

So, I'm at the office, camping out in an empty cubicle, working and powering up everything that I thought to bring with me.

Our plight is negligible compared to others who've suffered horribly due to storms recently, and we are thankful that we have access to resources so we can get by until everything is back to normal.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home!

May be a bit out of pocket for a bit, but will visit y'all as soon as I can.


  1. Wishing you good luck in powering up things.
    You still are very lucky that not more damage got caused by that tree.
    Henry too survived it...
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. I sure am glad you are okay and that the storm didn't do damage to your place. Howdy H! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I am glad you are okay and the storm didn't do more damage.

  4. This could have so much worse. Whew. I'm so glad Henry knows he (or she) has a place to go. I think you've got another kitty!

  5. Good to know you all are safe. Same storm cell here last night and thankfully at our house, nothing bad like yours. Only the tornado sirens ran from 8:15 until 11:30 PM. There were 5 touch downs within just 2 miles of us. I am glad to see Henry is a survivor and ate good. Hope you get home easily and electricity is on soon.

  6. Glad you are safe- and Henry too. XO

  7. da tabbies o trout towneJune 6, 2024 at 2:16 PM

    glad you all are OK, downed lines are not fun, neither is no power...hope its restored soon and henry....buzzed happee ewe iz all rite buddy ♥♥

  8. How scary! I'm glad you're all fine and doing well. Stay safe.

  9. I can only agree with all these poignant comments. :D Hugs, my dear, to you and yours.

  10. Small plight or big, I hope the problems are resolved soon. And I'm glad Henry made it over for dinner.

  11. The weather sure had been made at us. I am glad it did not take itss full wrath on you.

  12. You have my sympathy. I am praying the storms abate. Going through all of this is just no fun.

  13. We've also had a hard time with the weather.

  14. Wow, sounds like a lot is going on over there! I hope your power is restored quickly.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....