Sunday, September 15, 2024


U.S. National Felt Hat Day is celebrated on September 15 to honor the rich history of hats. 

The day also marks a shift in the weather, usually marking the end of straw hat-wearing season.

My models were most definitely on strike!

Chili Bruce wasn't having any of it.
Manny was so interested in what Henry or the squirrels were doing out in the yard, that he allowed hats to be placed on his noggin, but would not turn around.
Kind of Felty Top Hat
Felt Bowler
Felt Beret
Not too bad a showing!

And no human or cat was harmed in the making of this blog post.


  1. Top of the morning to you Ma'am. That's a bit with those top hats look like to me..

  2. I do think that beret is particularly fetching. And such a good model, too, albeit backwards.💙

  3. Dearest Vicky,
    Chili Bruce thinks what a nonsense that is!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Dudes, mew modelled it purrrrrrrrfectly, Melvyn said so!

  5. So adorable! Our Angel Brian always enjoyed any kind of hat day.

  6. Well MOM is about to bust a gut laughing. CB looks so darn funny she can't help herself and I'm not kidding. She is bothering me with all her honkin' and snortin'.

  7. I like the felt beret. We're so thankful the weather is finally changing from our HOT summer to warm almost-Fall weather.

  8. We think you both look quite dashing in your felt hats! XO

  9. Well, at least Manny modelled. Sort of.


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