Friday, September 06, 2024

Go Dark

 Lights Out for Birds 9/6 to 10/6

Downy Woodpecker
Kensington Metropark, Milford Michigan
March, 2017

Respect our feathered friends:

-Turn off exterior decorative lighting
-Extinguish pot and flood-lights
-Substitute strobe lighting wherever possible
-Reduce atrium lighting wherever possible
-Turn off interior lighting especially on higher stories
-Substitute task and area lighting for workers staying late or pull window coverings
-Down-shield exterior lighting to eliminate horizontal glare and all light directed upward
-Install automatic motion sensors and controls wherever possible
-When converting to new lighting assess quality and quantity of light needed, avoiding over-lighting with newer, brighter technology


  1. Very wise info! I've known chickadees to come to a hand for seeds, but never a woodpecker; Wow! How cool is that!

  2. Oh, looks like your Woodpecker is very tame. We wish our birdies came to our paws...well...better not, huh🙊Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  3. I just absolutely do not like all these glass and mirrored skyscrapers. So utterly ridiculous and dangerous. I do wish they could turn the lights off at night.

  4. The woodpeckers here are very timid and would never allow hand feeding. Even when they are on the bird feeders they fly off as soon as they see us. We live in a dark area and have the curtains closed at night. The only time the outside security lights come on is if a bat flies close, and then it is only for a few seconds.

  5. Love that photo! Those sweet birds sure have it rough with some of that obnoxious lighting.

  6. don’t let mackerull see this comment, but how cool is that to have the woodpecker that close.
    don’t see them around here much anymore.

  7. That is interesting about the light polution.

  8. Not many people think about the effects of light pollution...

  9. Our birds took off when remnants of the hurricane came through and they haven't been back.

  10. I first learned about this being a problem for deep sea turtles but it makes sense. Thank you for sharing and be well, my dear.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....