Tuesday, September 24, 2024

It's Twozday!

Da Boyz are snuggly, when they aren't:

1) trying to sneak upstairs

2) watching out the open back door, which often includes Henry looking back in. 
On MY chair.
On the futon.
Again, they took over MY chair.
A funny thing about MY chair; it makes me sleepy!

No matter what time of day, a few minutes sitting there causes lots of yawns and lassitude.

Guess that's why Manny and Chili Bruce enjoy it so.


Thanks all for your well wishes after my small yellowjacket 'event' on Sunday.

Discovered at least two previously missed stings, yet with the correct timing of topical anti-itch cream, and antihistamine and pain tablets, I'm doing pretty well.

I've begged off from a couple of meetings, because wearing underthings is uncomfortable, but I couldn't bring myself to 'go commando' in public.

Working from home has worked out nicely for stung-up me!


  1. They are enjoying your chair. I find the same when I sit in my recliner. I am an insomniac often going all night without any sleep. When I sit in the chair mid afternoon to watch Escape to the Country I rarely see more than half the programme.

  2. The good thing is you're staying home with the boys and Henry. Sorry that those cotton-picking stings still hurt today. But I remember mine lasted about a week. A whole lot different than getting stung by a bee.

  3. Dearest Vicky,
    Glad you are getting over those stings and could skip some meetings!
    Manny and Chili Bruce remind me constantly of our Dido and Spooky the twins but Dido went to heaven in November... Spooky comes on my lap more often for some cuddle time, he still is grieving his Papi and no doubt also the loss of his brother.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Oh, those boyz, those wonderful, beautiful boyz!

  5. da tabbies o trout towneSeptember 24, 2024 at 7:42 AM

    lookin good doodz on YUR chair ! 💚‼️🐟 😺

    V …sorry to hear the bumble gotcha, stupid az this sounds, if the stings itch like crazy, put toothpaste over the spot…it’s worked for me…let it dry and keep it on there for a few L

  6. You boys are always so darn adorable! I hope those stings sting less super soon.

  7. oh my cod!! cannot beleeve dat yoo got stung like that so bad!! hope yoo r feeling better soonest!!! btw, dee chair is kinda not yours eenymore

  8. I am so sorry you had to go through that. The man who mows my yard went through that here 2 years ago. Ran over a nest, not knowing.

  9. Those two are too cute! Yikes, so sorry you went through that! But yes, glad you're able to work from home.

  10. You two are most handsome. I know you make your mom very happy.

    Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  11. Then your chair is probably a good place to pass away the time waiting for your wasp-stings to heal. When the boys let you use it.


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