Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuning In

It's Twozday!

Today's word: Togetherness.
On MY chair.
Flirting with Henry.
Henry is still very wary of humans, but she does well with Da Boyz through the screen.

Although we don't want to rush things, both The Hubby and I are not looking forward to Henry living outside this Winter.

As we had to do with both Celestial Sweetie and Paddy O'Malley, the drop trap will be our friend.

That being typed, Henry is so skittish that this process just may take awhile to accomplish.

Stay tuned!


  1. I hope you can trap Henry before the winter. Being female, why is she called Henry? I assume you originally thought she was male?

  2. We, too hope Henry is safe this winter. We'd hate the thought of her being out in the elements all the time. Good luck!

  3. Dearest Vicky,
    Love the two boyz together and also where they look at their sister Henriette or Henrietta...
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. Any chance you have a garage that you can tempt Henry to start sleeping in?

  5. We hope Henry comes around. Maybe the boys are talking up your bona fides?

  6. Hello sweet boys! Henry, it's okay, it would be a good decision to come inside.

  7. We hope you can get Henry inside before cold weather arrives.

  8. da tabbies o trout towneSeptember 17, 2024 at 2:06 PM

    doodz…ya knead ta tell henry bout all de kewl stuff IN de houz…start bye openin de fridge N yellin out ta her whatz inn side 🐟💙💚😺‼️

  9. We don't want kitties outside in the winter. Henry is most handsome. I'm glad Da Boyz and him are getting to know each other.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to Da Boyz. ♥

  10. Such cuties. I hope Henry will be cuddling with them soon. :)

  11. We sure hope Henry will decide to come in before winter sets in. Maybe the Boyz are telling her how awesome it is through the door?

  12. I do hope the drop trap works and Henry learns how nice it is to be a housecat.


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