Saturday, September 21, 2024


 9/21 International Day of Peace

2024 Theme: Cultivating a Culture of Peace, and the importance of choosing negotiations over confrontation and of working together and not against each other.

Copied from the United Nations website noted above.


 For Caturday, Da Boyz peacefully slumber in each others embrace, colored with Prisma app.
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess!


  1. A day of Peace. If only the world would actually take a singe day. The leaders could learn a lot from just looking at the photo of your boys.

  2. Yeah, what Lynn and Precious said. Da Boyz' slumber artiness is so peaceful and beautiful. Now, as for the "working together and not against each other" thing- we got our work cut out for us is all I'm saying...

  3. Too bad everyone can't be as peaceful and you boyz!

  4. Nice art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO

  5. Da Boyz are the true purrsonification of peace!

  6. Your amazing and sweet photos bring my heart peace, at least. :D Hugs, my dear.

  7. I love seeing your boys so at peace and so happy and trustful.

  8. We pray for peace and work toward it ourselves, as much as we are able.


Thanks for your comments; we LURV them! Purrr....