January 29, 2025 is the Lunar New Year, and the beginning of the Year of the Snake.
Traits of the Snake zodiac sign, those born in the years:
2025 2013 2001 1989 1977 1965 1953 1941 1929 1917 1905
Wisdom, charm, and strong intuition.
They usually think things through thoroughly, prefer to keep matters private, and are understanding and caring about others.
Snake pics ahead, for those of you who scream EEK!
Bull Snake (not venomous) that I'd encountered at a local fair. |
A wee little Milk Snake (not venomous) who came out to visit while shopping at a wildflower nursery. |
Timber Rattlesnake, (yeah, very venomous!) at the Toledo Zoo, Ohio, behind a thick piece of glass. |
I have no problems with snakes, but spiders...I'll run a mile to get away from a spider!
In addition, January 29 is National Puzzle Day.
Am an avid fan of online jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles (although I'm crap at them!), and sudoku (also crap at them).
Also enjoy mystery novels, and appreciate an author who can keep me guessing.
Here's a jigsaw puzzle of Henry, artified by Prisma, for your entertainment on this holiday:
Click on the image above to enjoy! |
Look at that baby face...