Tuesday, February 28, 2023

2/28/23 World Spay Day

Celebrated on the last Tuesday in February, World Spay Day shines a light on the need to spay or neuter companion and stray cats and dogs.

We cannot adopt our way out of the animal overpopulation.
We know we are preaching to the choir here, however we can each do our part:

-Chat up neighbors and friends, convince them to get their pets neutered.
-Support your local low-cost spay/neuter clinics.
-Become a foster for your favorite animal shelter or rescue.

Thank you!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Green Pools

It's PO'Monday!

Our power was restored, after two rather cold nights.

For anyone who is still without; here's hoping you and yours are okay!

This hiccup in life made me long for warmer weather, and it's only 21 days until Spring.

Spring means green, and Celestial Paddy O'Malley had amazing green eyes.

A few images for you to ooh and aah over, as I surely have.


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Friday, February 24, 2023


Our area had an ice storm Wednesday.

We lost power on Thursday (!), and the current projected restoration date is this Sunday.

However, the real power trip was Sweetie's veterinarian visit.
You are lucky this isn't a video with sound!
Sweetie's fur just came off of her in buckets.
Trying to hide under a chair.
-Sweetie lost a small bit of weight from her last exam.
-Her blood pressure is high.
-Tests are being run to see what pain medications her kidneys can tolerate.
-The lump on her tummy/mammary gland hadn't changed at all.
-Her murder mitts were trimmed, and all mats were combed from her fur!

Sweetie will go back in two weeks, after I give her a teeny tiny bit of a pill once a day to reduce her blood pressure; will crush it to mix into a gushy, smelly treat.

It's obvious that she has sore hips; the vet didn't even need to take radiographs to diagnose it.

We are hoping to give her a Solensia shot once a month.
Sweetie didn't hold the indignities of a vet visit against me; here she is, using my torso has her beddy after we arrived back home
If we go quiet, please know that it's because without power, we are without Wi-Fi too.

May have to drive to the office to work; rats!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


It's Sweetnesday!

Shhh...don't tell Queen Sweet that she's going to the veterinarian tomorrow.
Am thinking she's feeling hurty, due to arthritis, and will have the usual tests for an oldster like Sweetie.

Two friends have mentioned monthly shots for pain, and as Sweetie is hard to pill, this may be a possibility.

When living day to day with The Queen, I don't notice that she's got dust and stray furs all over her, but when I see the photos, I think, "why is she so dusty?"

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Not Gonna!

It's Twozday!

Manny and Chili Bruce often refuse to look at the camera.

You'd think that they are asleep in these pics, but nope, they were not.

Faking it, and were not gonna look!
"Talk to the backs of our heads!"
"As if..."
Loveable rascals.

Monday, February 20, 2023

National Love Your Pet Day

Who are we kidding?

We LURV our pets EVERY. SINGLE. DAY, all year 'round.

It's PO'Monday, and my question is:

Was Celestial Paddy my pet...or was I his?
Have got to believe the voting will come down heavily on the side of "Vicky was Paddy's pet"!

Sunday, February 19, 2023


Celestial Magnus lived at Black Cat Pottery, and I've enjoyed his company for years.

Magnus left for The Rainbow Bridge last week.
I met Gus while in Illinois in July, 2019.

His mom brought him along as we visited Meow Meetup Chicago.

Celestial Gus left us last week too.
Farewell, my friends.

Hugs and purrs to your humans, who now have to live here on Earth without you.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Love Week Day 6: Art and Architecture

I love a good story, as told by an artist, an architect, a engineer, or a craftsperson.

When I travel, I visit museums, famous architecture, and gardens.
1913, Raymond Duchamp-Villon
Detroit Institute of Arts, USA
Dorothy H. Turkel House
1956, Frank Lloyd Wright
Detroit, Michigan USA
Self Portrait at The Age of 34
1640, Rembrandt van Rijn
The National Gallery, London UK
1904, Glamorgan Castle
Alliance, Ohio USA
Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman
First released in 1956
The Columbus Museum
Columbus, Georgia USA
Tatra T87 Sedan, designed 1936, manufactured 1948
Hans Ledwinka
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Roman Bath, C. 60-70 AD
Museum and galleries added in the 1700's-1800's
Bath, UK
Woman With A Cat
c. 1880-82 by Auguste Renoir
National Gallery, London UK
Frederick C. Robie House
1909, Frank Lloyd Wright
Hyde Park, Illinois USA
Cape Trinity, Saguenay River, Moonlight
1904, Winslow Homer
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Primavera Eterna
1884, Auguste Rodin
Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois USA

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Love Week Day 5: My Outside Boys

I love Celestial George, Hobo, Sammy, and Paddy O'Malley, and am thankful for their presence in our lives.
George, 2008
Discovered in my office parking lot; I spent time before work, at lunch, and after work with George.
On the weekends, nearby friends fed him, and these are dear friends we still have today.
We finally figured out how to trap him; he was neutered and placed with a loving family.
George was named for the building security guard who'd brought his existence to our attention.
Hobo, 2009-2015
Hobo appeared in our yard not long after George was adopted.
Hobo never allowed us within a few feet, even when he once was covered in burrs.
Hobo escorted Sweetie to our food bowls, when she was heavily pregnant, but neither of her kittens looked like him.
Hobo would walk up and down the alley, and we later learned that he had other homes who fed him.
Sammy's appearance didn't bother Hobo, but when Paddy O'Malley arrived, Hobo stayed away from our yard to live at one or two of his other homes, with whom I kept in touch.
He just disappeared in the end; still makes me very sad.
Sammy, 2010-2014
Sammy always looked a bit disheveled.
He once wouldn't put weight on one of his front legs, and we trapped him to get him to the vet; an abscess, caused by a bite.
Later, Sammy's mouth seemed bad, and he was losing teeth.
Once again, to the vet for a dental, but the vet said he was too sick and infected for the procedure, so he was the first kitty I'd helped over The Rainbow Bridge.
Sammy was named 'New Guy', but when The Hubby went to pick him up from the low-cost spay/neuter clinic, he forgot 'Guy', and dredged up the name of his grandfather instead.
💗Paddy O'Malley, 2011-2021💗
Once Paddy discovered food, water, and shelter in our yard, he never left.
At first a bit shy, he became a love-bug, and was the only cat (so far) to NOT run away after being released from the carrier after being neutered.
The PO'M often had injuries; huge tufts of fur missing, or he'd scratch himself raw.
We trapped him several times, to get him to the vet, and the vet staff never quite believed that he was a community cat as he was the perfect gentleman while in their care.
I tried to coax him inside year after year, but he'd only step in just so far, before bolting back out.
In summer, 2021, I simply grabbed him from the porch during a rainstorm, et voila, he was inside.
I was over the moon happy, until he crashed and was too sick to go on.
The Hubby claims that he thought up Paddy's name, but he's mistaken.
I had traveled to Ireland in college, and Paddy's fur was the color of a poured pint o' Guinness, with eyes like Connemara marble.

Rest in Peace, my lovely, much-loved outside boys.
Let's Hop!

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