Thursday, February 29, 2024

Take A Leap

Feeling naughty on Leap Day 2024...











Just for kicks and giggles!

Thank you for having a laugh with me today.

(I'm not joining Brian's Home Thankful Thursday Hop, due to today's crude content.)

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


It's Sweetnesday.

It is really difficult to get a good pic of Queen Sweet.

Her eyes are captured oddly, or the light from the windows is too strong, and usually the focus is wonky.

As if that prevents me for trying.

She is my Little Peanut, my Swee Wee, my Crabby Pants with the whiskey-and-cigarettes voice, who lays across my chest, and clings like a limpet to the underside of a boat when I try to get up!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Fix 'Em!

 The last Tuesday in February is World Spay Day.

Let's draw attention to the importance of spaying and neutering pets during a time when many animals begin to reproduce in the spring.

At the Ice Sculpture event in downtown Mount Clemens, Michigan.
And adopt, don't shop.
Trap - Neuter - Return Works.
We know this, so spread the word.
Chat up a neighbor, the person next to you at the bookstore or library, the cashier when you buy you lottery tickets.

Sure, having a celebrity say it is great, yet the lone soldier on the battlefield can have an impact too.

Monday, February 26, 2024


It's PO'Monday!

February, 2016: A few images that show off Celestial Pommy's whiskers!
What a handsome he was!

Sunday, February 25, 2024


Some sillies for those of us who are working stiffs!
 At least am working remotely, and the commute to work is simply walking upstairs.

Have appointment with my tax CPA on Tuesday, and he's gonna ask about the 'r' word.

Am, VERY...terrified of the concept of living off our funds and stuff.

And am beyond thankful to have a good job, with health benefits.

Guess I haven't yet hit that "That's enough; I'm done!" point.

Yet, it's on the horizon, peaking over the ridge with glowing eyes locked on me.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Close Your Eyes

"When you're down and troubled
And you need some lovin' care
And nothin', nothin' is goin' right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night"

From "You've Got A Friend" written by Carole King

Chili Bruce, asleep in the sun.
Sweetie is in the spotlight.
Manny closes his eye in pensive contemplation.
Or just put on your sunglasses!😎

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Subtle Warms

It's Sweetnesday!

When Sweetie needs warm sun on her top furs, while her heated Sweetie Spa toasts her underside.
Only subtle variations on the theme.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Pet or Overlord?

Dictionary Definition:

PET: (noun)
1: a person who is treated with unusual kindness or consideration
2 : a domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility


OVERLORD: (noun)
1: an absolute or supreme ruler
Cats think humans are THEIR pets...except we have to WORK for them!

20 February is National Love Your Pet Day.
Yep, cats rule the humans, and keep US as THEIR PETS!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Lap Paws

Monday O'Malley: February 2019 Lap Cat Usies
Celestial Pommy wasn't the only one who was happy; look at the grin on my face, if I haven't cropped myself out of the frame.

Sunday, February 18, 2024


Saturday morning was cold!

22 degrees F was the air temp, but the wind was icy despite the sunshine.

We had flurries too, and besides my own footprints, there were these:
Paw prints

While on my 'hood walk, a black cat crossed the street ahead of me, and walked up a driveway.

I witnessed the kitty from about 1/2 block away, and managed to see the cat's tailio slide underneath a construction tarpaulin in someone's backyard when I got there.

We were at least 1/2 mile from home, so this wasn't the black kitty that's been in our yard...I think.

Friday, February 16, 2024


There is a new cat in the yard.
21 January
2 February
12 February
These images were taken through windows, as this kitty races away when a human appears.

There is always water to drink, and the straw-filled Cat Hotel seems to be getting some action.

Food was set out once, and none was eaten.

Oh heck, shy newcomer kitty, I've not yet begun to coax you closer.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

😹 Feeling Flushed

Valentine's Day is a subdued affair at Eastside Cats, after more years together than I can count on all of my fingers and toes.

The Hubby and I exchange little love tokens: 
Valentine cut from a fancy box
Valentine painted on the wall, since covered over
Valentine made from snow!

 Gotta tell you, that this year's gift was the bestest ever....

drumroll please....

The Hubby replaced the commode in the downstairs bathroom. 🚽

Yep, the too-low, weirdly flushing monstrosity is gone, and a lovely, purrfectly working model now stands in its stead.

Sheer heaven, folks, let me tell you.

Am so thankful for this upgrade to our lives...and you know what?!?

He'll do the same for the upstairs bathroom; I helped to carry the boxed beast up the stairs, where it waits in the hallway for its final resting spot.

WOOT!!! 😹

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024