Saturday, July 30, 2022

In The Frame

It's Caturday!

PO'Marathon: Day 6

I played around in Lunapic, and cooked up this image.

Click in the photo to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Friday, July 29, 2022


PO'Marathon: Day 5

As handsome as he was, this batch of PO'M photos came out blurred, over bright, and...*ahem*...unflattering!

Blame the one holding the camera.
From July, 2016
Click on the badge above to visit Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & Meows!

Thursday, July 28, 2022


PO'Marathon: Day 4

Celestial Paddy was drawn to drama; looks like he was emoting in a Shakespeare play!
Images from July, 2018.

Paddy had such a huge purrsonality; he was the William Shatner of Eastside Cats.

We are so thankful that we had front row seats for many years.

Let's Hop!
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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Sun and Shadow

 PO'Maration: Day 3

Taken in July, 2016, Celestial PO'M images in bright sunshine, and cool shade.


Monday, July 25, 2022

First Lap Cat

Let's Celebrate Paddy O'Malley, with a PO'Marathon!

While combing through my photo library, I've found masses of as yet unpublished photos of our much-loved mancat.

Hope you enjoy an extended walk down memory lane.

These three images were taken a few days before he became on inside cat; July, 2021.
What a lap cat!

Celestial Paddy was our first cat to climb into my lap.

I'd write that he was our only cat, so far, who liked laps, but Chili Bruce has begun to enjoy a 10-15 minute snuggle session once in awhile, and he's even perched on The Hubby when on the yoga mat.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


It's Caturday!

Playing with my Prisma app, I create all kinds of wildly colorful images.

Couldn't decide which one of these I liked best, so I've included all three.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Friday, July 22, 2022


It's Sweetnesday!

The following is what happens when a wee kitty sits on your chest, and the phone camera just ain't cutting the mustard.

Had to clean the lens, because of Sweetie's nose prints.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Not A Stray

A dear friend texted me, with a photo of this cute kitty:
Said kitty appeared on her doorstep one day, and my friend asked for instructions on what to do with a stray cat.

The kitty lived on their porch for a few weeks, was fed and watered, and being a friendly cat, was picked up and carried to the nearby veterinarian.

Guess what!

Microchip information led to the sweet kitty returning to her loving home, where she was greatly missed.


Today, I am thankful for my friend, and for all others who help cats.

Some talk the talk, yet the ones who actually walk the walk are to be praised!

Even if it's just a sweet stray on the porch, or TNR in an abandoned building or park, or fostering.

Thank you!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Lunar Landing 7/20/69...with cats?

53 years ago today,
astronauts walked on The Moon.

Yet, we all know that cats travel through time and space easily, so no doubt, they visited the lunar surface long before humans.

Hope one or more of these meme's brings you a smile today.
Images nabbed from social media.

Monday, July 18, 2022


It's PO'Monday!

Celestial Paddy O's colors changed, when against different backgrounds or lighting.
These photos are from July, 2015.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Meet CASHnip Kitty!

 CASHnip Kitty Website

CASHnipKitty on FB

Meet Sir Whines a Lot, a rescue cat is now dubbed "CASHnip Kitty" due to his unique talent. 

Sir Whines is the office cat at GuRuStu, a marketing firm in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

He enjoys people-watching through the front window on 3rd Street in the East Village.

The business owners adopted him from the Tulsa Animal Welfare Shelter in 2015. 

Everything was normal until they began finding cash near the front door. 

It was strange, and no one could figure out why the money was there, that is until they tested a theory. 

They discovered the cat would snatch a dollar if it came through the door slot. 

Apparently late night partiers played with him, and lost their cash through the slot. 

So they decided to use his talent for a good cause, and now donate the money to charity.

You go, Sir Whines A Lot; you make the cat-loving community very proud!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

My Guy

Celestial Paddy O'Malley was a good-looking mancat.

I enjoy artifying his photos!

Used my Prisma app, the Sea Horse filter.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athean Cat Goddess!

Friday, July 15, 2022

Lovely Kitties!

A new batch of kitties seen on my 'hood rambles.
Sneakers, the brofur to Sly.
This kitty wouldn't allow me to read her tag.
Stray, with tattered ears and wonky eye.
 A regular for meals where Old Guy hangs out.
Darn if I can remember this gent's name!
Lives six houses away from Eastside Cats; he simply showed up on the porch, and the humans took him in, and they love him to pieces.
Surprise kitty.
I've been strolling past this house for DECADES, and this was the first time that I saw a cat in the window.

Thursday, July 14, 2022


 Our gardens are attracting bees!

Butterfly Weed, with friend.
Milkweed, with bumblebee.
Bee Balm...without bees for now.

Am learning more about the native plants that we've put into our gardens, and delight when we have visitors.

🐝Is this cool or what?!?🐝

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Unique Talents

It's Sweetnesday!

Our Sweetie is mostly deaf, and her internal volume control doesn't appear to work anymore.

However, she knows how to nap.

Under the chair.
Her face smashed into her beddy.
A box with a blanket next to my desk is her newest napping locale.

I tried to record her unique meow; it's like a grunt, but it's more than that.

Love to hear this.