Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Getting To Know

It's Sweetnesday!

Outside Sweetie, in summer 2013, was still a bit shy.
Sweetie: "Stay away!"
"A little closer but not too close!"
"Okay, since you brought food, I'll stay within a few feet."

In 2023
"Hey, where's my morning smooch?"

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Tuckered Out

It's Twozday!

Da Boyz are enjoying open windows and doors; Bird TV is phenomenal!

Yet, all of that activity makes napping all the more impawtant:
Chili Bruce, naps on the big scratcher in a front window.
Manny uses myself as a pillow, as the sunlight and shadow make interesting colors of his fur.
And then, they are together again, weary from rushing from window to open door, then back again.
My best guess: CB left, Manny right.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Glamour Cat

It's PO'Monday!

A selection of images, for your viewing pleasure, from May, 2013.
PO'M: "Is this my good side?  Wait, you snapped too fast!"
PO'M: "Is this my good side?"
PO'M: "Oh yeah, this is my good side!"
Celestial Paddy O'Malley had a purrsonality that never quit, and he was always handsome, no matter what angle.


Sunday, May 28, 2023

Fill Up The Tank

We've been posting about all kinds of things recently, but what about The PO'M?

Let's start to fill our empty Pommy tanks, shall we?

Saturday, May 27, 2023


For Caturday today, I played with my Prisma app, using Manny's photo:
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Friday, May 26, 2023


Bram Stoker's gothic novel "Dracula" was first published on 26 May, 1897.

Even in modern times, the story holds up well, and is much better than any film.

Well, except for the version with Frank Langella...*eyebrow wiggle*

Today, let's see some FANGS!
Celestial PO'M
A Da Boyz...?
Sweetie, showing off her upper and lower on-one-side fangs.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Spring Wild Life

Isn't it fabulous to be around wildlife?
A few short videos of some fascinating critters.

Every day is full of wonder, which I am thankful for.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

MY Territory!

 It's Sweetnesday Day!

That kitty is lucky that he couldn't hear Sweetie's bellow.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Squeaky Man Solo

It's Twozday!

And yet again, we feature only Manny, but just listen to this:

Don't know about you, but the sound he makes just makes me smile.

Monday, May 22, 2023


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May, 1859.

The creator of Victorian-era consulting detective Sherlock Holmes character would leave a lasting legacy.

First appearing in print in 1887's "A Study in Scarlet", Holmes's popularity became widespread with the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine, beginning with "A Scandal in Bohemia" in 1891; additional tales appeared from then until 1927, eventually totalling four novels and 56 short stories.
Why artists like to recreate Holmes and Dr. Watson as cats is unknown, but I surely like them.πŸ’—

Haven't read the Canon of Sherlock Holmes stories in decades; many of them are surprisingly NOT politically correct for modern times.

I prefer to read the character in the hands of these authors;
Laurie R. King:
 Russell & Holmes series, book #18 due out in 2024
Anthony Horowitz: 
The House of Silk, The Three Monarchs, Moriarity
Vicki Delany: 
Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mysteries

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Saturday, May 20, 2023

World Bee Day🐝

🌼🐝🐝 20 May is World Bee Day!🐝🐝🌼
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle
A bee foraging on a milkweed flower in our yard.
I brightened the colors a bit in iPhoto.
Let's Hop!

Click on the badge above to visit Athena!

Friday, May 19, 2023


 While on a trip to Wildtype Native Plant Nursery and environs, we happened upon some new sights:

Official Wildtype kitty
A wee non-venomous milk snake
Look at those blue sapphire eyes!
The pawparazzi got a bit to close for her liking.
Having lived in The Motor City for my entire life, this logo was puzzling!
 Research says Holden or General Motors-Holden, made in Australia.
Goes to show that there are interesting things to observe and experience, if you look around.

Thursday, May 18, 2023


Guess I had money burning a hole in my pocket, when I visited Art Birmingham last weekend:
Greeting cards by LR Design
Black cat lithograph by Jay Wennersten
Da Boyz received a package from The Tooth Fairy, after losing teefs recently:
Thank you, Tooth Fairy Ellen!
I hate running low on anything, especially cat food.  However, I may have gone too far this time:
The Hubby asked Da Boyz if they were having a par-tay, as their Mammy really stocked up.

Such a comedian...
So very thankful to be able to indulge my entire family, and have friends who send gifts.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Above The Fray

It's Sweetnesday!

The Queen stayed above the fray caused by Da Boyz's dental/vaccine hubbub last week.
She enjoyed the spring breezes from open windows.
Found a quiet napping locale in the spare bedroom, which is mostly storage.
Wore the straw hat for 2.37 seconds!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Man Solo

It's Twozday!

Yet, Manny has less time in the spotlight, so here he is:

Man Solo
Basking in Springtime sunshine.
Manny imitating a black hole in deep space.
Manny's favorite place; in the kitchen, near the cat food cans.

Fun Facts:
Manny likes to be carried like a baby.

He eats slowly, while his brofur CB gobbles.

Is very talkative, especially when trying to, um...invite a human to open the kitchen door so he can start creating havoc, often standing on his back legs to gently pat a human in case they don't hear his plaintive cries.

Before napping, he spends a goodly amount of time kneading the blanket.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Rockin' the Straw Hat

15 May is National Straw Hat Day

All of The Eastside Cats wanted to play:
CB assists Manny; they are on top of the refrigerator.
Manny, however, rocks the straw hat like a boss.
Chili Bruce has his own dazzling style.
As it's not a crown or tiara, Sweetie remains unimpressed with a humble straw hat.
Almost looks like a backward baseball cap; she's earned her street cred.