Tuesday, November 30, 2021

In Your Face!


Sweetnesday this week is exchanged for Twozday.

You'll understand tomorrow!
Sweetie has the cutest wee face, with an adorable nose, beautiful eyes, and a smile!

I try to snap up close and purrsonal images, and she's a good sport by NOT whapping me with her murder mitts.

A very smoochable face, methinks...and she endures that too.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Leaves and Snow

It's PO'Monday!

It's that time of year, when the trees are still giving up their leaves, and snow comes along.
Images from November, 2019.
 Winter is my least favorite season, primarily due to my years of caring for outside cats.

The cold, the wind, the ice, and in the back of my mind was the feeling that I was a poor cat-enthusiast, leaving my 'guests' outside in such conditions.

Saturday's light snowfall had me wanting to get out to shovel the deck.

Old habits.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Cat Enthusiast Giggles

Disclaimer: These images were collected from the interwebs or from publications that we purchase for ourselves.
I only post about items that I believe others will enjoy, and for no financial gain for myself.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

What Makes Us Smile

 Today is Thanksgiving Day in America.

While the pandemic has changed our world, The Hubby and I are thankful for many things:

  • Manny and Chili Bruce are a joy, and Sweetie makes our hearts sing!
  • We've been married a long time, and no serious damage to either of us.
  • We have family members with whom we are in frequent contact via interwebs, phone, and mail.
  • I am gainfully employed, and working remotely, which suits us well.
  • We have library cards with which we indulge our every reading whim.
  • Friends, who've known us (and can tell the stories) from our youths, blogging and cat-loving friends, and brand new friends just met...we are grateful for every one!


Bittersweetly, we have always been happy to have had Celestial Paddy O'Malley in our lives.

 The sheer joy of his purrsonality, his beautiful eyes, that goofy roly poly body, and his love remains in our hearts.

😻Wishing all a wonderful day, and consider yourselves hugged by us!😻

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


It's Sweetnesday!

Sure, Sweetie naps a fair bit, and looks adorable while doing it...
...but she's a terror to tissue paper!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

They're Doing It Again!

It's Twozday!
 As the temperatures drop, Manny and Chili Bruce are two snuggling fools!

Sometimes, they snuggle on top of ME, as I lay on the futon...HEAVEN!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Bright Eyes

It's PO'Monday!
Video taken in March, 2013.

Oh, to be able to touch dat belleh!

And you see that he was never a skinny mancat...

Saturday, November 20, 2021



In honor of losing Celestial Chuck four years ago, I've used Lunapic to artify a few favorite images of our boy.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Chuck and his littermate sisfur Angel were our first cats.
It was because of housepanther Chuck that we adopted Da Boyz.
We tell them about their big brother.

💔💗We miss you, Chucky.💖💔

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess's Blog!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Eclectic Calico

Click on the photo above to visit Bella The Store Kitty's FB page!
Isn't she cute?

Click on the logo above to visit Eclectic Calico's website!

Although I cannot visit the store in North Carolina, I've been ordering for a few years now.

My most recent purchase:

Cat fridge magnets!

Other items that I've purchased:

Raspberry-colored tunic

Lacy poncho, image above

Lightweight fabric blanket

Twin black cats statuette

So thankful to have found this wonderful resource for all kinds of items, especially unique cat trinkets, and the customer service is terrific!

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog!
Disclaimer: My purchases from Eclectic Calico are for my own use and amusement, and mention Bella The Store Kitty and Eclectic Calico's FB pages and website as a courtesy to my readers.  I only post about items that I believe others will enjoy, and for no financial gain for myself.

Images of Bella and Eclectic Calico taken from FB. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


It's Sweetnesday!
She may be small...
...yet, those murder mitts!
Quiet purrs.
❤️Love her so!❤️

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

To The Vet's Office

It's Twozday!

Da Boyz had their teeth cleanings yesterday.


*Keep the volume low, so you don't upset your own cats*
Singing the song of their people
"Gotta get that vet office smell off, STAT!"

No extractions, no hidden worries.

Da Boyz have shiny pearly whites!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Sunshine and a Place to Sleep

It's PO'Monday!

The temperatures are dropping, but with a good dose of sunshine and a warm place to nap, life was good for Celestial Paddy O'Malley.
Truth be told, I would drift off to the Land of Nod for a bit too, as he snoozed on my lap or chest.

If on the deck, he'd push his paws up against me, and close his eyes.

I didn't take too many photos of him sleeping, because those green peepers were just too beautiful!

Images from November, 2020.

Friday, November 12, 2021

2022 FatCatArt Calendar

Here are a few pitiful images from my poor-excuse-for-a-camera phone.

To order your own, or other wonderful artwork:

Previous posts:

To me, each piece is supremely beautiful because of Zarathustra, the big ginger cat, and his wee brofur DB (David Bowie).

I adore these images, and revel in every new one that is revealed.
Disclaimer: I purchased every Fat Cat Art Calendar for my own use and amusement, and mention the artist and website as a courtesy to my readers.  I only post about items that I believe others will enjoy, and for no financial gain for myself.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Sweetie's Last Outside Autumn - Farewell Tuna of Moon

It's Sweetnesday!

Sweetie is such a loving wee kitty, but you'd never have thought it by these photos, taken in 2019.

She seemed so standoffish, and was for years! 
Sweetie hasn't yet adjusted to the later meal times; waking us early every day this week.

Yet this is a good thing, because I put in my earbuds to listen to an audiobook, and she climbs onto my chest to purr for the next hour.

I'll take naps on the weekend, because having Sweetie close enough to smooch on, pet and pat, and to play with, was once just be a dream.

Breaking news...Tuna of Moon has left us!
Image from Trout Talkin' Tabbies

Please visit Trout Talkin' Tabbies: De Rain Upon Me Furz to leave words of solace.
