Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Tiny Bubbles

It's Sweetnesday!
Rare occurrence: allowing me to hold her paw.
Bed hog.
What a funny face!
She has a new nickname, courtesy of The Hubby: Tiny Bubbles.

Sweetie is so wee compared to Da Boyz, one cannot help but marvel at her diminutive size.

We've had limited success with the appetite stimulant; will continue to tweak our delivery method.

New to the Sweetie Health program: Omega-3 oil, to assist her kidneys.

So far, so good with that.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


It's Twozday!

Which one is which?
Image A
Image B
Image C
Image A:
CB in window

Image B:
Manny up against the to open door

Image C:
CB left, Manny right

-Chili Bruce's fur is brown in the sun, while Manny's stays coal black.
-CB always gets to primo location.
-Manny, when at windows and doors, likes to hang back, often peering around a corner rather than be up close and purrsonal.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Cat Stylist

It's PO'Monday!

From August, 2019: Pommy showing off his skills with my hair.
My human stylist, Robin at Sleek Salon North, has always been humored by Paddy's attempts at hair style, but she really is the most fabulous with my short hair.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Cat Haiku

A book that has been on my 'to be read' list for years, and I finally asked my intrastate library system for a copy.

Format: Hardcover
Language: English
ISBN: 0446677507
ISBN13: 9780446677509
Release Date: September 2001
Publisher: Warner Books (NY)
Length: 144 Pages
Weight: 0.45 lbs.
Dimensions: 0.7" x 5.8" x 5.7"

 A delightful read!


A few morsels:

Eyes closed, I lick and

Lick my fur.  One gets into

The Zen of it all.

You read books; I like

To lie on top of them.  We're

Both bibliophiles.

You call and I hear.

But I am a jungle cat

And will not answer.

Give me one reason

Why in heaven's name I should

Not sleep in the sink.

Please bear in mind that 

You're part of my entourage,

And not vice versa.


Chili Bruce approves of these haikus.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


It's Caturday!

While on a recent plant nursery shopping trip, I reacquainted myself with tabby Monty.

Monty has acres of plants, trees, and shrubs to play in, with wild meadows, fish ponds, and old stone buildings too.

Not to mention the cat-crazy plant shoppers, who spent more time tracking Monty from greenhouse to greenhouse, rather than choosing items to take back home.
Monty's images was colorized by Prisma, using the Jellyfish filter.
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.

FYI, the plants that I brought home:
1 large Black-Eyed Susan plant
3 Beardtongue
3 Golden Alexander
3 Downy Skullcap

Managed to get them into the ground in the afternoon, then we experienced heavy rainfall overnight.

That's the way to do it, especially for a lazy gardener like moi.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess!

Friday, August 25, 2023


A few images picked up here and there from social media, for your entertainment.

We humans annoy our cats, and they annoy us right back!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Unknown

It's Sweetnesday!

While an outside cat in August, 2018, one didn't know Sweetie's true purrsonality:
Pretty eyes!
Sun-kissed fur.

Okay, maybe we had an inkling that she wasn't just a pretty face.

Oh, I'm not kidding any of you; Sweetie is a sweetheart, and always was.
Our friend Seppo has earned his angels wings.
Consider a word of condolence at Catio Tales Blog.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

New Ink

It's Twozday!

Um...look what I did...
On my left arm, as Tatty O'Malley is on the right.
The original image:
CB is left, Manny right.

Found a terrific artist; have plans for other ink, plus updates to my oldest tats.
Am thinking that ceiling spider isn't long for this world...
with two housepanthers locked and loaded!

Monday, August 21, 2023


It's PO'Monday!

Coming to you from July, 2019, Celestial Paddy O'Malley shows off his spotted tummy.
He was rather trim at this time, not such a round mound as in later days.

Now you know why my Pommy tattoo shows him stretched out like this; wasn't he just magnificent?

Sunday, August 20, 2023

On Woodward

 Woodward Dream Cruise

Wikipedia Woodward Dream Cruise

Every year, The Woodward Dream Cruise draws millions of spectators, who immerse themselves in all things automotive.

Detroit is the Motor City, so why not have a car cruise that has a 16-mile-plus radius?

Plus, many more classic and impressive vehicles sit on the sidelines, showing off as aficionados stroll by.

The Hubby's favorite car this year: AMX Javelin

My favorite: A white Maserati.  

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Take a Photo

19 August is World Photography Day: A Celebration of Photography!

Learn more here.

For Caturday, I've artified a photo of Sneakers, with Prisma.

Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
This is the original image; I prefer the close-up.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Athena Cat Goddess.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Garden Wildlife

The idea was to fill the yard with native plants, so the wildlife could eat it's fill, pollinate their little hearts out, and make babies so the cycle can repeat.
The bees like the Ironweed.
A smallish groundhog pigged out on my Cup Plants and Milkweed.
Don't mind one bit; eat up, lil fella.
Even slugs are welcome!
And then one looks up from the garden, to witness more wildlife!
(My educated guess is that this is Chili Bruce)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


It's Sweetnesday!

Our Miss Growly Pants may be a housepanther, yet she's speckled with fine white hairs all over.
Her paws and legs.
Her chest (that's dusty fuzz on her face!)
Her whiskers really shine in the sun.
Sweetie received her sixth Solensia injection last week, along with a six-month check-up.

She'd lost some weight, and mention of her usual morning bomit sessions caused the veterinarian to take blood and urine samples (no results yet), and prescribed an appetite stimulant.  

Afraid of over-stimulating to the point of being kept up all night while Sweetie begs for food, we crushed up 1/4 of one wee pill, and I dust in only a few grains into her food.

It works; she eats up her meals lickety-split!

Here's hoping her next weigh-in will read over 7 lbs.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

What A Pair

It's Twozday!

Manny and Chili Bruce are quite the duo; looking adorable together at every moment.
They are elegant, like Rogers & Astaire.
They are clowns, like Laurel & Hardy.
They are two peas in a pod, and we adore them just as they are!