03 July, 2024

He Did It Again

Sweetnesday, Early July, 2014
Ooh, so happy to get pics of Sweetie!

She was basking in the sun.

And then, Celestial Paddy O'Malley wanted to be the star attraction!

Y'all know that I have tons of PO'M photos, so I have many of his photobomb images too.

When 'O' Cat Sweetie was shy, Paddy didn't have to worry about being on center stage, but as she gained confidence to stay nearby, he simply HAD to insert himself into the shot.

Angel Renn has crossed The Rainbow Bridge.
Please leave kind words of comfort at I Have Three Cats

02 July, 2024

World UFO Day 7/2 Tuesday

2 July is World UFO/UAP Day, celebrated on the anniversary of the Roswell, New Mexico spacecraft crash in 1947.
And, as we all know, this blogger firmly believes that cats are from outer space!

01 July, 2024

Happy Canada Day

1 July is Canada Day!
Eastside Cats has a special affinity for Canada, as we live close to the border, and are even a bit North of the Southernmost bits of Ontario; see map below.
We grew up listening to radio stations from Windsor, and tuned in CBC TV too.

Am sure that Canadians feel like they have rowdy and uncouth 'neighbours' to the South, yet we Americans will be ever grateful for the hospitality provided to travelers who were housed and fed when the United States closed our airspace on 11 September, 2001.