Saturday, August 31, 2019

2020 FatCatArt Calendar!

I absolutely ADORE Svetlana Petrova's art, featuring Zarathustra, a large ginger mancat.
The 2020 Calendar that I ordered arrived; here are some highlights...

My other posts regarding FatCatArt:

2018 FatCatArt Calendar
2019 FatCatArt Calendar
Fat Cat Art Book!
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post.  Sveta, Zarathustra, and DB have become dear friends of mine via the worldwide interwebs, but I'll only post items that I feel are interesting to you, my readers. 

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pet Photo Fails!

Hobo and Sweetie, but the camera focused on the screen instead!
Back when I was unable to approach them closely. 😽

Whoopsie, The PO'Ms backside...
Sorta TMI (too much information), right? 🙀

Am I boring you, Angel?...and it's blurry 😸

Chuck was being less than gentlecatly...and it's blurry! 😼

Aries, the neighbor's cat, is out of focus
We called him 'Romeo' for years, since it appeared he was hanging around Sweetie... 😻

Yep, that a power upchuck that splattered all over...
Not so much a photo fail, but a FAIL nonetheless...and every one of us has had to clean up something like this! 😾

Let's Hop!

Click here to join the hop!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thankful Thursday: 15th Gotchaversary!

Chuck and Angel arrived in a box together on 8/29/04.

Feisty little miss!
The Hubby had her at 'meow'
We celebrate that Angel and Chuck came into our lives 15 years ago!

Every. Single. Day.
The Hubby and I are so very thankful that Angel and Chuck entered our lives!
They may have been covered in fleas, and had worms, and were pretty much unsocialized,
yet through it all, they made us better humans.

Happy Gotcha Day to Angel on Earth, and Chucky in Heaven!


Let's Hop!

Click here to go to Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day: August 28

Click here to visit The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey
Deborah Barnes: "I founded Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day (RBRD) in 2015 as a special day for pet guardians to honor the memory of those beloved pets in their life they have loved and lost, but never forgotten – whether fur, fin, feathers, scales or something else. It’s held every year on August 28, in honor of the day I had to say goodbye to my precious Ragdoll cat, Mr. Jazz"

Our furry loves, who've run off the The Rainbow Bridge:





Forever in our hearts


Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Manny has the large white splotch on his belly, which may help you figure out which one is which!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday O'Malley

You may notice that The PO'M looks a bit miffed in both of these images; Sweetie and I were having a love fest of petting and such, and Mr. Green-Eyes was unhappy with the lack of attention to his handsomeness.  But don't worry; he received the lion's share of snuggles all-in-all!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Postcards from Meow MeetUp: Lykoi

Sorry, my photos are so poor, but...kittens!

I spent some time with a breeder of Lykoi cats, from Wisconsin.  She displayed the kittens in the Cat Fanciers Association area at Meow MeetUp Chicago in July.

Seriously, these are kittens...adorable, playful baby cats, with a little or no underfur.  Therefore, some parts of their skin is exposed, especially around their face and paws.  According to what I've researched, this was an natural mutation.  Their fur is soft, and that warm skin just completely melted my heart!

After only a few moments, I fell in LURV!

I am proud to say that my favorite breed is RESCUED, but I'll always have a fillip of desire for a Lykoi cat, now that I've played with these two.  They are beautiful, unique, and I am so glad that I had the chance to meet them in the, you know what I mean!

I have the contact information for the breeder; actually, we chatted for a good long while.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Femcat Friday!

Starring, SWEETIE!
Our lovely yardpanther!
Look at the crazy speckled feetsies she has!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Garden Open House at Black Cat Pottery

"Native plants provide shelter and food for wildlife and support pollinators. Native plants attract a variety of birds, butterflies, and other wildlife by providing diverse habitats and food sources. ... Native plants promote biodiversity and stewardship of our natural heritage." East Multnomah Soil & Water
Conservation District
 🌱 🐦 ☀️ 🐝 🌳 

Last weekend, I had the pleasure to visit Black Cat Pottery's 9th Annual Summer Garden Tour, in Detroit.  Alas, there are no kitties in the garden, yet such beautiful plants!  Cheryl English, the owner and artist of Black Cat Pottery, is devoted to native Michigan planting in her yard.  To attract native bees and insects, birds, and furry friends too, she maintains a variety of flowers, shrubs, and trees, and encourages all to do the same.  Here are a few images:

Field Pussytoes (Antennaria neglecta), no blooms
Orange Coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida)
Garden artwork
Bird Bath
Sevenbark (Hydrangea arborescens), not yet blooming
White Flat-topped Aster (Doellingeria umbellata), just beginning to bloom
More garden art
Madame Julia Correvon (Clematis viticella)
Tree Peony pods (Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Kamata-nishiki')
And just to verify that Black Cat Pottery IS based on feline companionship, here are a couple of Cheryl's furry muses:

Shy but gorgeous Rufus
Friendly and petit Pandora
For more information on planting native, I've included the following links:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Book Review: Felix The Railway Cat

Felix the Railway Cat
Author: Kate Moore
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Penguin UK (February 23, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780718185435
ISBN-13: 978-0718185435
ASIN: 0718185439

The delightful story of how Felix was adopted as Senior Pest Controller, at Huddersfield Railway Station in West Yorkshire, England.  Despite the fact that Felix is a female, she quickly wound her way around employee ankles, and their hearts.  A commuter who enjoyed her story so much, created a Facebook page, and the fame of this feline spread globally.  There is absolutely nothing objectionable in this book, and it's a 'purrfect' read.

But wait!  Later this year, a new book about Felix will be published, with her new sidekick Bolt!  Huddersfield Railway Station is where it's happening, kitty-wise!


Saturday, August 17, 2019

Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Held every year on August 17th, Black Cat Appreciation Day is a celebration of housepanthers!

Ann from Zoolatry asked Da Boyz to host this year's special day, and they said YES!

Join us!

Badge created by Ann of Zoolatry
And now some photos of the black cats in our lives; we love 'em!

Chili Bruce, long-armed, and Manny on the right

Turn your volume up, to hear Sweetie purring!

Hurray for Black Cats!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Postcards from Meow Meet Up: Windy Kitty Cat Cafe

For more information, click on Windy Kitty Cat Cafe

This was a super cat cafe!  A volunteer was in the room with guests at all times, and every kitten and cat that I encountered appeared to be in purrfect shape, healthwise.  The amount of human visitors is carefully limited, to reduce an overload of grabby-hands from invading the cat space.  There was a lot of delightful artwork on the walls too, however I didn't snap any photos of it, 'cause I was just in love with the cats that roamed around.  I really liked Windy Kitty Cat Cafe!
