Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Two-zday and Farewell Muffin

Just had to share these delightful hand towels, gifted from PM
Thank you!  They are purrfect.

Here they are: Da Boyz!
The Hubby's decision: CB above, Manny below
I think it's Manny at the top, CB below

Sad news...Angel Muffin flew away over The Rainbow Bridge
Please visit Tails From The Foster Kittens Blog to leave your condolences.
We have the sads.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday O'Malley

The PO'M: "No, I don't want my photo taken!"
Me: "C'mon, everyone wants to see your sweet face..."
The PO'M: "NO!"

Me: "Please, handsome!  Look at me!"
The PO'M: "Not a chance!"

Me: "Okay, I understand!  How 'bout a shot of you and Sweetie?"
The PO'M: "Okay, I'll do that."

Me: "Aww, you two are so cute!  Thank you!"

The PO'M: "I love you!"
Me: *lump in throat*

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Peace Love Joy

Our wish for you all:

May you enjoy your loved ones during this season,


Let's make 2020 a year to remember!

Holiday Greetings!


Tuesday, December 24, 2019



Da Boyz had a difference of opinion.

Truly, they are lovebugs most of the time!
Manny left, CB right

Monday, December 23, 2019

Friday, December 20, 2019

Inn of The Six-Toed Cat

I fell upon this delightful bed-and-breakfast website one day, and I know that I have to go there!

The following images were taken from the website:

Located at 200 North Central Avenue, in Allerton, Iowa, this inn appears to be delightful...and it's named for a cat!

From what I can tell, Thomas Beckett was the original six-toed cat, but he's an angel now, although he refers to himself as a ghost.

Quoted from the website:
"We have 3 that are very friendly (Ghost, Garfield and Noisy) cats, and the others are in different states of feral. As a group they are called the Mouse Patrol."

I think The Inn of the Six-Toed Cat is going on my travel list for 2020!

Who's coming with me?!?

Disclaimer:  I have no connection with The Inn of the Six-Toed Cat, and am posting about it because...well...cats!  I hope they don't mind that I'm writing about them...😺

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thankful Thursday

My dear friend BG gifted me a bag full of wonderful things, including her hand-stitched "I Love My Cats" pillow, a cute cat pin with tales, and a beautiful book mark (and a book to go with it!)

Having nearby friends is wonderful, and also being a part of the cat blogging community with friends spread far and wide is heartwarming as well.

Thank you all for being a part of Eastside Cats!

Let's Hop!

Click here to go to Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Meet Mr. Dillon!

Mr. Dillon is my neighbor's cat.
She was named when they thought she was a he, and the name just stuck!
The other day, Mr. Dillon demanded loving as I traversed the sidewalk.
I bowed to her requirements, happily giving belly rubs, chin scritches, and lots of cooing...
Look at those golden eyes and the dilute tortie fur colors...so SQUEEABLE!


Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Da Boyz on top of me!
CB in front, Manny in back
CB up top, Manny under with tailio hanging off
Chili Bruce
Manny, hugging CB's back legs
Manny, curled up on the old chair
CB joined Manny!
It amazes me the way the camera picks up the shine from Da Boyz's fur.
I try to lay on the futon, covered in the cat blanket, at least once a day.
Chili Bruce always shows up first, then Manny comes along.
Having their warm bodies on mine, creates a feeling that is indescribable!


Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday O'Malley

Wherever I was in the yard this weekend, The PO'M was nearby!

At the feeding station

Following me as I started on my walk

He's so handsome!

And look, a couple of new cat strays that I've not seen before...

Don't know what these are needed for, but they are across the street from Eastside Cats; that cannot be good.  Our city is very old, which means our infrastructure is crumbling.  No doubt, someone needs a new water line, but a backhoe AND a excavator is scary...



So much love for our sweet Angel!
The Hubby has already established a daily routine for her pills, and she is responding by eating more...and keeping it in.  Yay!


Friday, December 13, 2019

Femcat Friday



Angel's ultrasound results:

Shows increased intestinal thickness as well as markedly enlarged lymph nodes in several areas.  
Could be large cell lymphoma, small cell lymphoma, or IBD (irritable bowel disease).

Oncological biopsy would tell us exactly what she has.

The vet gave us more anti-nausea meds, B12 shots, steroids, and pain meds to administer.  She said we could try oral chemotherapy meds, once we've considered what we want to do, regardless of getting that biopsy.

Although she cannot know without tests, the vet believes it's large cell, which is aggressive, and terminal.

The Hubby and I have to discuss. 

Foremost, is Angel's comfort.

The vet tech's said that Angel was very vocal all day, ornery, and refused every flavor of food offered.  To us, there is a lot of life left in her, and none of us are ready to throw in the towel.  Once home, Angel ate well, found her favorite napping spot, and hunkered down for a rest.  She has a small shaved patch on her belly.

Thank you to everyone for every purr and wish for a good outcome.

I've turned off comments today, but I offer a jigsaw puzzle of Angel, artified!


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Postcards from Meow MeetUp: Moe Grey!

Previous Postcards from Meow Meet Up posts:
The Catcade

Moe Grey!

Just chillin'...
Click here for the Facebook page for Moe Grey
Click here for the Instagram page for Moe Grey

Moe Grey and his people live in the Chicago area, and we met while waiting in line to see
Summer, Therapy Cat and Kitty On The Go! 

Moe is as mellow as can be, and his fur is a delight to get one's hands on.  Such a handsome mancat...look at those eyes, those whiskers, the white paws!

I am thankful that I attended Meow MeetUp Chicago, and I have more wonderful cat information that I gathered there to post about in the future.  Thanks to Sue from The Island Cats for including me, and to the other bloggers that I hung out with:

Sweet Purrfections
Random Felines
As The World Purrs
Lola The Rescued Cat

Thank you too, for your purrs for Angel.
Am posting before I have news of her ultrasound today.


Let's Hop!

Click her to go to Brian's Home Blog!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What Are They Trying To Say?

Found on the floor, knocked from the shelf
Da Boyz left this for us to discover one morning.
What are they trying to tell us...?

They don't like their names?
They want a dog?
They want another cat?*


Happy Independence Day, Canada!

"Statute of Westminster gives legal status to the independence of Australia, Canada, Irish Free State, Newfoundland, New Zealand and South Africa.

The Statute of Westminster, passed by the UK parliament in 1931, gave legal recognition to the de facto independence of the dominions. The parliaments of Canada, South Africa and the Irish Free State swiftly passed legislation enacting the statute. Australia adopted it in 1942 and New Zealand in 1947. Newfoundland relinquished its dominion status and was incorporated into Canada in 1949."
from The Commonwealth

Quick update on Angel:
The veterinarian's office has moved Angel's ultrasound to tomorrow.
I'll let you all know the results when I get them.
Your purrs for her are greatly appreciated...thank you!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


"Mama, what did you bring us?"
Manny: "I don't think there's anything for us here, Chili!"
Chili: "I think you are right, Manny...but we must check thoroughly!"

Da Boyz appeared to be pleased to see me after the long weekend away.
After the dust had settled from my arrival home in the late afternoon, and once we all had eaten our dinners, I lay down on the futon and had two housepanthers on me in a flash!
A slice of heaven...

(Chili Bruce on the left, Manny is right!)

Monday, December 09, 2019


I spent the weekend in Lebanon, Ohio, with my sisters.
My niece, nephews, and their special friends joined us, and we ate, drank, and were merry.
We attended the Lebanon Horse Drawn Carriage Parade & Festival, for the 2nd year in a row.
We shopped, gabbed, snarked, giggled, and had a lovely weekend.
Thanks to my sis and bro-in-law for their terrific hospitality!

Here are a few images from the parade:

And, there was Magoo!

Magoo currently lives at my sister's house, but his mama is my niece.
Soon, she'll move into her new apartment, and Magoo is going with her!
She's created an Instagram account for his chonky handsomeness: @mrmagoodles.

When I arrived, I whispered to Magoo that he needed to up his game, since he was a stand in for my five cats at home.  Sure enough, he was a cat for the job!

His fur is bunny-soft, and while a large dude, he plays with abandon and there isn't a human that he doesn't enjoy.  He slept on my blanket-covered legs, and allowed me to carry him without a peep or a flick of whisker.

I loves me some MAGOO!!!


Update on Angel:
The veterinarian reports that her blood work was normal for everything except a low B12 level, which is a sign of intestinal problems.
An ultrasound is scheduled for next Monday, and then a consult with the vet.

Since she's been taking the Cerenia, she's been holding her meals inside, and wants to eat, eat, EAT!  The Hubby is carefully doling out small amounts of food many times a day, hoping to lessen any vomiting spells.
Thank you all for your concern, and I promise to report updates.


Paddy O'Malley will return to his properly scheduled post next week...LOL!