Monday, September 16, 2024

Cleaning Up

Celestial Pommy and Sweetie chose to bathe at the same time on September 17, 2017, and I managed to capture them in action.
Oh, those two!

Sunday, September 15, 2024


U.S. National Felt Hat Day is celebrated on September 15 to honor the rich history of hats. 

The day also marks a shift in the weather, usually marking the end of straw hat-wearing season.

My models were most definitely on strike!

Chili Bruce wasn't having any of it.
Manny was so interested in what Henry or the squirrels were doing out in the yard, that he allowed hats to be placed on his noggin, but would not turn around.
Kind of Felty Top Hat
Felt Bowler
Felt Beret
Not too bad a showing!

And no human or cat was harmed in the making of this blog post.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


It's Caturday!

While enjoying the pathways at Stage Nature Center, in Troy, Michigan, I snapped a few pics of blooms that I enjoyed.

I colorized with different Prisma filters, then collaged 'em.
Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess.

Friday, September 13, 2024


Paraskevidekatriaphobia: Fear of Friday the 13th

Ooh, that's scary! 
👻 ☠️ 👻

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Just Right

Sometimes, the lighting is just right, and my less-than-stellar photographic skills are able to capture Da Boyz purrfectly.
❤️Chili Bruce❤️
 Am thankful when the Sun God allows a boon or two.

Let's Hop!
Click on the badge above to visit Brian's Home Blog.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


It's Twozday!

Some cat...*cough cough CB cough* snuck upstairs, into Sweetie's Apartment!
He looked out the front windows...
...and the back!
Not to be outdone, Good Boy Manny looked out the north-facing window... watch Henry.
We've kept Da Boyz out of the upstairs apartment, as it's not yet Boyz-proofed.

Celestial Sweetie didn't jump up on anything, and stacks of work papers, framed phots, and trinkets meant nothing to her.

Our rambunctious twosome will sooner or later pull down everything not nailed in place or cemented, and we humans just haven't gotten to that point yet.

Somehow, Chili Bruce slinked through the open door when a human wasn't paying enough attention.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Profound Find

While driving to work on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, a wee kitten was running around the four-lane road in front of me.

I pulled the car over, parked on the gravel road edge, and found her hiding in the tall, wet grass.

She was small, and unharmed.
Weirdly, I had a spare cat carrier in my trunk, so she was safe and sound quickly.

We could not take in a wee kitten at that time, and thankfully, an kitten foster acquaintance offered to care for her that afternoon.  
Played with the little one while visiting the foster's place a few days later.
Last I'd heard, the kitten had been adopted.

The boss didn't even notice that I was late to work.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Boldly, 1960's-style

Star Trek debut aired on US Television on September 8, 1966.

Creator Gene Roddenberry introduced audiences to a world that championed diversity, inclusion, acceptance, and hope.

I know there have been other Star Trek series, movies, cartoons, etc.

Yet my ❤️ will always belong to 'TOS': The Original Series.

Some of my favorite Dr. McCoy quotes:

"I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!"
"I'm a doctor, not an escalator."
"I'm not a magician, Spock - just an old country doctor."
"I will not peddle flesh. I'm a physician."
"I'm a doctor, not a coal miner."

Saturday, September 07, 2024

To Buy, To Read, To Listen

September 6 was National Read a Book Day 📚

📚 September 7 is National Buy a Book Day

Don't you think that should be reversed?

Buy a book, and THEN read it..!?!

Unless you are like me (and in honor of September is National Library Card Sign-up Month), and borrow most of your reading material from the library, buying is a rather big deal.

I have stacks of books next to my bed...gathering dust...while I gleefully listen to audiobooks and ebooks downloaded to my phone, and at least once a month I check out a book at the library, then sit down and read it in one go without leaving the building. 

Which is why I hesitate to purchase another book; seems wasteful to buy them, then let them sit.

My sister tells me that I need to support authors and bookstores and BUY MORE BOOKS!

I've just purchased an audiobook; does that count, sis?

Audiobook I am currently listening to:

-Secrets of the Lost Ledgers by C. J. Archer: Book #5 in the Glass Library Series

Next audiobooks queued:

-What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust by Alan Bradley: Book #11 in the Flavia de Luce Series
-A Swarm of Butterflies by Sarah Yarwood-Lovett: Book #6 in the Dr. Nell Ward Mysteries
-Vows & Ruins by Helen Scheuerer: Book #2 in the Legends of Thezmarr Series
-Viciously Yours by Jamie Applegate Hunter: Book #1 in the Fae Kings of Eden Series

Actual books that I have that I REALLY REALLY want to read, when I get time:

-Inductions Dangerous by John Bellen (I Have Three Cats Blog)
-Hidden in Blood, Place of Temptation, and Lake of Tears by Bilinda P. Sheehan, Books #5, 6, 7 in Hariet Quinn Series
...and many more!

For a bookish Caturday, here is Celestial Sweetie, with my stack of to-be-read books in the background.

Click on the image to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
Let's Hop!
Click on the badge to visit Athena Cat Goddess.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Go Dark

 Lights Out for Birds 9/6 to 10/6

Downy Woodpecker
Kensington Metropark, Milford Michigan
March, 2017

Respect our feathered friends:

-Turn off exterior decorative lighting
-Extinguish pot and flood-lights
-Substitute strobe lighting wherever possible
-Reduce atrium lighting wherever possible
-Turn off interior lighting especially on higher stories
-Substitute task and area lighting for workers staying late or pull window coverings
-Down-shield exterior lighting to eliminate horizontal glare and all light directed upward
-Install automatic motion sensors and controls wherever possible
-When converting to new lighting assess quality and quantity of light needed, avoiding over-lighting with newer, brighter technology

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Henry Sings

Henry has found her voice.

Isn't it darling?

So thankful that she's finding her role as an Eastside Cats 'O' Cat.

Let's Hop!

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

My Other Boyz

It's Twosday...on Wednesday!

A different set of brofurs for your entertainment today:
I met up with my two sweet fellows early in the AM, while walking in the coolest part of the day.

The sunrise cast Sneakers in a pink glow, while Sly was in the shadows as he lounged like a boss on the bench.

Anyone human in this family will call to the cats when I'm striding up the sidewalk, knowing that I'll pet and coo over their kitties!

And why would anyone NOT lavish attention on these two handsomes?

My fellas are getting old; Sneakers is bony under all the fur, and Sly does little more than nap on the bench.

I love 'em like they were mine.


Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Ghost Cat: Book Review

The Ghost Cat
A Novel
By: Alex Howard
Narrated by: Alex Howard
Length: 6 hrs and 2 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 08-27-24
Language: English
Publisher: Harlequin Audio

Grimalkin lives Victorian-era Edinburgh, Scotland, after being rescued by the charlady Eilidh.

Cat-Sith is surprised when Grimalkin appears suddenly on the other side of the veil, and offers a boon: nine reincarnations.

    "For Three He Plays, For Three He Strays, For Three He Stays"

Ghost Grimalkin wakes each day to a new timeline, and it's amusing as his staid Victorian manners must adapt to the 1920's, WWII bomb shelters, 1960's fashion trends, and laptops used for trading on the stock markets.

Grimalkin helps the humans as best he can, aiding those in strife, and teaching meanies a lesson or two.

A pleasing and fun travel through history, on the paws of a Scottish kitty!

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Respect the Ging


September 1 is Ginger Cat Appreciation Day!

As Eastside Cats is currently unowned by a orange kitty, here are a few silly images swiped from social media for your entertainment since we have no pics of our own 😿:
Shout outs to my family and friends who current are or once were the servants of gingers; count yourselves lucky. ❤️
And if you think I love cats, watermelon, and popcorn, please know that I am a devout Library disciple, and encourage all to walk into a library and ENJOY!
 A library card opens a doorway to many adventures, with books, with DVDs, with free lectures and seminars, to play with jigsaw puzzles, online games, tap into genealogy and history websites, phone apps for ebooks and audiobooks...for FREE.

Seed library, plant exchanges, tax prep assistance, free passes to local events and institutions, and the list goes on and on.

Please consider registering for your library card today, or use the one that's been sitting in your wallet for years to go out to explore.
📚 💳 📚